For operations

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BigTime for Operations Teams

Why operation teams choose BigTime

BigTime offers transparency into every element of the business, delivering time savings, accelerating operational tasks, and providing the key measures necessary to keep your organization on track.

Timesheet Software and Management

Standardize your business practices

Make operational processes easier while staying sneakily powerful behind the scenes.

  • Align project managers with a uniform approach to managing budgets
  • Prevent business development teams from offering unique billing methods
  • Simplify time and expense tracking with smart sheets that auto-fill repetitive data and mark required fields
Assign monthly allocations by staff member

Eliminate time-consuming processes

Bring disjointed systems together to make workflows and data transfer cohesive.

  • Simplify your tech stack for a better employee experience and consolidated information 
  • Easily pull the data back office teams need for billing clients and managing payroll 
  • Automate the review and approval process for timesheets, expense reports, and invoices

48% of firms using PSA software allocate resources to a project in 1 hour or less. Let us show you how. 

Assign staff to a project staff based on skillset

Plan for future growth

Build predictability through historical data around staffing needs.

  • Spot when there’s a need to hire new talent or if there’s a drop in work to sell more
  • Reduce burnout by monitoring reports on utilization and planned employee capacity 
  • Ensure the most cost-effective employee/skill sets are assigned to a project task
  • Understand if staffing changes are needed to get back on budget
Track allocations and project resources

Access key business insights at your fingertips

Adapt a proactive lens to operations with improved business insights from real-time reports.

  • Give staff managers the ability to track resource utilization by department, team, or role 
  • Course correct projects quickly with staff allocation and budget data in one report view
  • Provide finance and leadership teams with a line of sight into the financial health of projects and the business 

It’s time to ditch the spreadsheets

Scott Schriber - BigTime
“Anytime we wanted to update our self-built time tracking system, I’d spend $5-10k worth of billable time on our own internal process. Finally, we agreed it was time to search for a professional time tracking system that could be customized to our needs.”
Scott Schriber - BigTime
Scott Schriber
Director of Operations, The iFish Group

Keep the tools you love

Our integrations make it possible for your systems to talk to each other fluidly.

Best practices for improving operations

Buyers Guide Steps to Evaluating PSA Software

Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose the Best PSA Software for Your Business

3 Challenges to Building an Effective Resource Plan in Project Management

3 Challenges to Building an Effective Resource Plan in Project Management

Job Cost Reports Vital to Project Success

Job Cost Reports Vital to Project Success

Professional Services KPIs & The Metrics That Matter The Basics and Beyond

Professional Services KPIs & the Metrics That Matter: The Basics and Beyond

Ready to get started?

Learn how to choose the best PSA software for your business.